Grape Bud Hardiness Report
SuRDC – Grape Hardiness Update - Kelowna & Similkameen
SuRDC – Grape Hardiness Update - South Okanagan
SuRDC – Grape Hardiness Update - South Okanagan
Attached is the SuRDC Grape Bud Hardiness report from varieties sampled mainly in the South Okanagan regions on January 21st and 22nd. The report contains hardiness tables for the LTE10 , LTE50 and LTE90 values.
Kelowna_Similkameen_Oliver hardiness runs
Attached is the SuRDC Grape Bud Hardiness report from varieties sampled mainly in the Kelowna and Similkameen regions on Dec 17th and 18th. The report contains hardiness tables for the LTE10 , LTE50 and LTE90 values.
*The sampling locations and schedule have been finalized so the report delivery should now continue a biweekly pattern (South Okanagan report one week, Kelowna/Similkameen the next).
Grape Bud Hardiness Update for November 2024 - Kelowna & Similkameen
Attached is the SuRDC Grap
Grape Bud Hardiness Update for November 2024
Grapevine Bud Hardiness Update for January 2024 - Kelowna/Similkameen & Weather Event
Attached are the Supplement Winter Grape Bud Hardiness results for Late January. The sampled hardiness levels were determined as average lethal temperature exotherms (LTE) measured on buds of several varieties by region collected on January 24th and 25th in the Okanagan and Similkameen Valley.
Not all the usual varieties/locations were sampled this week so note the following distinction this week between samples not collected (marked “NA”) and no LTE events observed (marked “.”). If no LTE events are observed it is assumed the buds are already dead at the time of sampling.
Grapevine Bud Hardiness Update for Mid-January 2024
Attached are the Winter Grape Bud Hardiness results for Mid January. The sampled hardiness levels were determined as average lethal temperature exotherms (LTE) measured on buds of several varieties by region collected on January 16th and 17th in the Okanagan Valley.
**Of a total of 540 buds sampled only 3 exotherm peaks were observed. The values are given for the 2 locations where these were observed but the exotherms are likely from remnant tissues of already damaged buds.
Grapevine Bud Hardiness Update for Early-January 2024
Happy New Year. Attached are the Winter Grape Bud Hardiness results for Early January. The sampled hardiness levels were determined as average lethal temperature exotherms (LTE) measured on buds of several varieties by region collected on January 2nd and 3rd in the Okanagan Valley.
Grape Hardiness Reports and Growing Degree Day updates can now be accessed online at:
Grapevine Bud Hardiness Update for Early-December 2023
Grapevine Bud Hardiness Supplemental Update for Late-November 2023
Grapevine Bud Hardiness Update for Early-November 2023
Attached are the Winter Grape Bud Hardiness results for Early November #2. The sampled hardiness levels were determined as average lethal temperature exotherms (LTE) measured on buds of several varieties by region collected on November 7th and 8th in the Okanagan Valley.
Grape Hardiness Reports and Growing Degree Day updates can now be accessed online at:
Grapevine Bud Hardiness Update for October 31 - November 1 2023
Attached are the Winter Grape Bud Hardiness results for Early November. The sampled hardiness levels were determined as average lethal temperature exotherms (LTE) measured on buds of several varieties by region collected on October 31st and November 1st in the Okanagan Valley.
Grape Hardiness Reports and Growing Degree Day updates can now be accessed online at:
Grapevine Bud Hardiness Update for Early April 2023 - Final Report
Attached are the Winter Grape Bud Hardiness results for Early April. This is the final grape hardiness update for the 2022-2023 winter season. The sampled hardiness levels were determined as average lethal temperature exotherms (LTE) measured on buds of several varieties by region collected on April 4th and 5th in the Okanagan Valley.
Grapevine Bud Hardiness Update for Late-March 2023
Attached are the Winter Grape Bud Hardiness results for Late March. The sampled hardiness levels were determined as average lethal temperature exotherms (LTE) measured on buds of several varieties by region collected on March 28th and 29th in the Okanagan Valley.
Grape Hardiness Reports and Growing Degree Day updates can now be accessed online at:
Grapevine Bud Hardiness Update for Mid-March 2023
Attached are the Winter Grape Bud Hardiness results for Mid March. The sampled hardiness levels were determined as average lethal temperature exotherms (LTE) measured on buds of several varieties by region collected on March 15th and 16th in the Okanagan Valley.
Grape Hardiness Reports and Growing Degree Day updates can now be accessed online at:
Grapevine Bud Hardiness Update for Early-March 2023
Attached are the Winter Grape Bud Hardiness results for Early March. The sampled hardiness levels were determined as average lethal temperature exotherms (LTE) measured on buds of several varieties by region collected on March 1st and 2nd in the Okanagan Valley.
Grape Hardiness Reports and Growing Degree Day updates can now be accessed online at:
Grapevine Bud Hardiness Update for Mid-February 2023
Attached are the Winter Grape Bud Hardiness results for Mid February. The sampled hardiness levels were determined as average lethal temperature exotherms (LTE) measured on buds of several varieties by region collected on February 14th and 15th in the Okanagan Valley.
Grapevine Bud Hardiness Update for Late-January/Early-February 2023
Attached are the Winter Grape Bud Hardiness results for Late January / Early February. The sampled hardiness levels were determined as average lethal temperature exotherms (LTE) measured on buds of several varieties by region collected on January 31st and February 1st in the Okanagan Valley.
Grapevine Bud Hardiness Update for Mid-January 2023
Attached are the Winter Grape Bud Hardiness results for mid January. The sampled hardiness levels were determined as average lethal temperature exotherms (LTE) measured on buds of several varieties by region collected on January 18th and 19th in the Okanagan Valley.
*Note: some of the exotherm events may be from remnant tissues in already damaged buds.
Grapevine Bud Hardiness Update for Early-January 2023
Attached are the Winter Grape Bud Hardiness results for early January. The sampled hardiness levels were determined as average lethal temperature exotherms (LTE) measured on buds of several varieties by region collected on January 4th and 5th in the Okanagan Valley.
Grapevine Bud Hardiness Update for Late-December 2022
Attached are the Winter Grape Bud Hardiness results for early December. The sampled hardiness levels were determined as average lethal temperature exotherms (LTE) measured on buds of several varieties by region collected on December 21st and 22nd in the Okanagan Valley.
Grape Hardiness Reports and Growing Degree Day updates can now be accessed online at:
Grapevine Bud Hardiness Update for Late-December 2022
Attached are the Winter Grape Bud Hardiness results for early December. The sampled hardiness levels were determined as average lethal temperature exotherms (LTE) measured on buds of several varieties by region collected on December 7th and 8th in the Okanagan Valley.
Grape Hardiness Reports and Growing Degree Day updates can now be accessed online at:
Grapevine Bud Hardiness Update for Late-November 2022
Attached are the Winter Grape Bud Hardiness results for late November. The sampled hardiness levels were determined as average lethal temperature exotherms (LTE) measured on buds of several varieties by region collected on November 23rd and 24th in the Okanagan Valley.
Grape Hardiness Reports and Growing Degree Day updates can now be accessed online at:
Grapevine Bud Hardiness Update for Early-November 2022
Attached are the Winter Grape Bud Hardiness results for early November. The sampled hardiness levels were determined as average lethal temperature exotherms (LTE) measured on buds of several varieties by region collected on November 8th and 9th in the Okanagan Valley.
Grape Hardiness Reports and Growing Degree Day updates can now be accessed online at:
Grapevine Bud Hardiness Update for Early April 2022
Attached, from Carl Bogdanoff, are 2 files: the Winter Grape Bud Hardiness results and the Predicted Bud Hardiness chart for Early April. The sampled hardiness levels were determined as average lethal temperature exotherms (LTE) measured on buds of several varieties by region collected on April 6th and 7th in the Okanagan Valley. These are the final bud hardiness measurements for this winter.
Grapevine Bud Hardiness Update for Late March 2022
Attached, from Carl Bogdanoff, are 2 files: the Winter Grape Bud Hardiness results and the Predicted Bud Hardiness chart for Late March. The sampled hardiness levels were determined as average lethal temperature exotherms (LTE) measured on buds of several varieties by region collected on March 30th and 31st in the Okanagan Valley.
Grapevine Bud Hardiness Update for Mid March 2022
Attached, from Carl Bogdanoff, are 2 files: the Winter Grape Bud Hardiness results and the Predicted Bud Hardiness chart for Mid March. The sampled hardiness levels were determined as average lethal temperature exotherms (LTE) measured on buds of several varieties by region collected on March 16th and 17th in the Okanagan Valley.
Grapevine Bud Hardiness Update for Early March 2022
Attached, from Carl Bogdanoff, are 2 files: the Winter Grape Bud Hardiness results and the Predicted Bud Hardiness chart for Early March. The sampled hardiness levels were determined as average lethal temperature exotherms (LTE) measured on buds of several varieties by region collected on March 2nd and 3rd in the Okanagan Valley.
Grapevine Bud Hardiness Update for Mid February 2022
Attached, from Carl Bogdanoff, are 2 files: the Winter Grape Bud Hardiness results and the Predicted Bud Hardiness chart for Mid February. The sampled hardiness levels were determined as average lethal temperature exotherms (LTE) measured on buds of several varieties by region collected on Feb 16th and 17th in the Okanagan Valley.
Grapevine Bud Hardiness Update for Early February 2022
Attached, from Carl Bogdanoff, are 2 files: the Winter Grape Bud Hardiness results and the Predicted Bud Hardiness chart for Early February. The sampled hardiness levels were determined as average lethal temperature exotherms (LTE) measured on buds of several varieties by region collected on Feb 2nd and 3rd in the Okanagan Valley.
Grapevine Bud Hardiness Update for Early-January 2022
Attached, from Carl Bogdanoff, are 2 files: the Winter Grape Bud Hardiness results and the Predicted Bud Hardiness chart for Early January. The sampled hardiness levels were determined as average lethal temperature exotherms (LTE) measured on buds of several varieties by region collected on Jan 5th and 6th in the Okanagan Valley.
Grapevine Bud Hardiness Update for Late-December 2021
Attached, from Carl Bogdanoff, are 2 files: the Winter Grape Bud Hardiness results and the Predicted Bud Hardiness chart for Late December. The sampled hardiness levels were determined as average lethal temperature exotherms (LTE) measured on buds of several varieties by region collected on Dec 21st and 22nd in the Okanagan Valley.
Grapevine Bud Hardiness Update for Late-November 2021
Attached, from Carl Bogdanoff, are 2 files: the Winter Grape Bud Hardiness results and the Predicted Bud Hardiness chart for late November. The sampled hardiness levels were determined as average lethal temperature exotherms (LTE) measured on buds of several varieties by region collected on November 24th and 25th in the Okanagan Valley.
Grapevine Bud Hardiness Update for Early-November 2021
Attached, from Carl Bogdanoff, is the Winter Grape Bud Hardiness results for Early November. The hardiness levels were determined as average lethal temperature exotherms (LTE) measured on buds of several varieties by region collected on November 8th and 9th in the Okanagan Valley.
Our Grape Hardiness Reports and Growing Degree Day updates can now be accessed online at:
Grapevine Bud Hardiness Update for Late-October 2021
Attached, from Carl Bogdanoff, is the Winter Grape Bud Hardiness results for Late October. The hardiness levels were determined as average lethal temperature exotherms (LTE) measured on buds of several varieties by region collected on October 27th and 28th in the Okanagan Valley.
Our Grape Hardiness Reports and Growing Degree Day updates can now be accessed online at:
Grape Hardiness Update for Early April - Final
Attached, from Carl Bogdanoff, is the Winter Grape Bud Hardiness results for Early April. The hardiness levels were determined as average lethal temperature exotherms (LTE) measured on buds of several varieties by region collected on April 7th and 8th in the Okanagan Valley.
Grapevine Bud Hardiness Update for Late March 2021
Attached, from Carl Bogdanoff, is the Winter Grape Bud Hardiness results for Late March. The hardiness levels were determined as average lethal temperature exotherms (LTE) measured on buds of several varieties by region collected on March 31st and April 1st in the Okanagan Valley.
Grapevine Bud Hardiness Update for Mid March 2021
Attached, from Carl Bogdanoff, is the Winter Grape Bud Hardiness results for Mid March. The hardiness levels were determined as average lethal temperature exotherms (LTE) measured on buds of several varieties by region collected on March 17th and 18th in the Okanagan Valley.
Grapevine Bud Hardiness Update for Early March 2021
Attached, from Carl Bogdanoff, is the Winter Grape Bud Hardiness results for Early March. The hardiness levels were determined as average lethal temperature exotherms (LTE) measured on buds of several varieties by region collected on March 3rd and 4th in the Okanagan Valley.
Grapevine Bud Hardiness Update for Early February 202
Attached, from Carl Bogdanoff, is the Winter Grape Bud Hardiness results for Early February. The hardiness levels were determined as average lethal temperature exotherms (LTE) measured on buds of several varieties by region collected on February 3rd and 4th in the Okanagan Valley.
Grape Hardiness Update for Late January
Attached, from Carl Bogdanoff, is the Winter Grape Bud Hardiness results for Late January. The hardiness levels were determined as average lethal temperature exotherms (LTE) measured on buds of several varieties by region collected on January 20th and 21st in the Okanagan Valley.
Grapevine Bud Hardiness Update for Early-January 2021
Attached, from Carl Bogdanoff, is the Winter Grape Bud Hardiness results for Early January. The hardiness levels were determined as average lethal temperature exotherms (LTE) measured on buds of several varieties by region collected on January 6th and 7th in the Okanagan Valley.
Grapevine Bud Hardiness Update for Late-December 2020
Attached, from Carl Bogdanoff, is the Winter Grape Bud Hardiness results for Late December. The hardiness levels were determined as average lethal temperature exotherms (LTE) measured on buds of several varieties by region collected on December 22nd and 23rd in the Okanagan Valley.
Grapevine Bud Hardiness Update for Early-December 2020
Attached, from Carl Bogdanoff, is the Winter Grape Bud Hardiness results for Early December. The hardiness levels were determined as average lethal temperature exotherms (LTE) measured on buds of several varieties by region collected on December 9th and 10th in the Okanagan Valley.
Grapevine Bud Hardiness Update for Late-November 2020
Attached, from Carl Bogdanoff, is the Winter Grape Bud Hardiness results for Late November. The hardiness levels were determined as average lethal temperature exotherms (LTE) measured on buds of several varieties by region collected on November 25th and 26th in the Okanagan Valley.
Grapevine Bud Hardiness Update for Mid-November 2020
Attached, from Carl Bogdanoff, is the Winter Grape Bud Hardiness results for Mid November. The hardiness levels were determined as average lethal temperature exotherms (LTE) measured on buds of several varieties by region collected on November 10th and 12th in the Okanagan Valley.
Grape Bud Hardiness Update for Late March
Attached, from Carl Bogdanoff, is the Winter Grape Bud Hardiness results for Late March. The hardiness levels were determined as average lethal temperature exotherms (LTE) measured on buds of several varieties by region collected on March 25th and 26th in the Okanagan Valley.
This is the final Bud Hardiness Report of the 2019-2020 winter season. Bud hardiness data was not collected on April 8th and 9th as the Summerland Research and Development Centre was closed due to COVID-19.